15 – 18 03 2023
Austria Center Vienna
St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference
15 03 2023
Industry sponsored symposium
Welcome, Awards and Award Lectures
Michael Gnant (Austria)
Beat Thürlimann (Switzerland)
Walter Weber (Switzerland)
St.Gallen Breast Cancer Award 2023
Beat Thürlimann (Switzerland)
Walter Weber (Switzerland)
The St.Gallen Breast Cancer Award Lecture 2023:
The Saga of Theragnostic Biomarkers of Breast Cancer (Giuseppe Viale, Italy)
ESO Umberto Veronesi Memorial Award 2023
Chair: Alexandru Eniu (ESO)
The ESO Umberto Veronesi Memorial Award Lecture 2023:
A global approach to breast cancer management (Benjamin Anderson, WHO)
News in Breast Cancer Care since SGBCC 2021
Beat Thürlimann (Switzerland)
Tanja Spanic (Slovenia)
Surgery of patients with early breast cancer: quo vadis? (Walter Weber, Switzerland)
Access to evidence based radiation therapy for patients with early breast cancer (Philip Poortmans, Belgium)
What’s new in systemic treatment of patients with early breast cancer (Roisin Connolly, Ireland)
Translational research priorities for patients with early breast cancer (Fabrice André, France)
Hot topics in survivorship, patient reported outcomes, and Quality of Life (Ann Partridge, USA)
The St.Gallen-Vienna Breast Cancer Care Educationals for Professionals around the world.
Emiel Rutgers (Netherlands)
Sara Brucker (Germany)
Stefan Aebi (Switzerland)
Meteb Al-Foheidi (KSA)
Zefei Jiang (China)
Toru Watanabe (Japan)
How to avoid unnecessary mastectomies – a global discussion
Monica Morrow (USA)
Walter Weber (Switzerland)
Meteb Al-Foheidi (KSA)
Denisse Bretel (Peru)
Jana de Boniface (Sweden)
Fatima Cardoso (Portugal)
Heba Gamal (Egypt)
Eun-Sook Lee (Korea)
Monica Morrow (USA)
Lori Pierce (USA)
Zhiming Shao (China)
Tanja Spanic (Slovenia)
Masakazu Toi (Japan)
at the Austria Center Vienna
16 03 2023
Industry sponsored symposium
Genomics, Transcriptomics, ctDNA for disease monitoring and risk stratification
Fabrice André (France)
Meredith Regan (USA)
ctDNA dynamics for early assessment of recurrence risk (Nicholas Turner, UK)
Molecular imaging in breast cancer (Michel van Kruchten, Netherlands)
Multi-omic machine learning prediction of treatment response (Carlos Caldas, UK)
How to assess clinical utility and clinical validity of biomarkers in clinical trials? (Meredith Regan, USA)
Immunology in early breast cancer
Sherene Loi (Australia)
Aleix Prat (Spain)
Understanding the anti-cancer immune response: Innate and adaptive responses to breast cancer cells (Sherene Loi, Australia)
Tumor microenvironment in early breast cancer (Carsten Denkert, Germany)
Multiplexed analysis and spatial histology to predict response (Marleen Kok, Netherlands)
The future of breast cancer immunotherapy (PD, PDL, vaccines) (Giuseppe Curigliano, Italy)
Industry sponsored symposium
Special lecture I and panel discussion
Michael Gnant (Austria)
David Cameron (UK)
Heba Gamal (Egypt)
Chiun-Sheng Huang (Taiwan)
The future of innovation: Why are we conducting clinical trials in countries that are unlikely to be able to afford innovative drugs? (Sara Tolaney, USA)
Hereditary Breast Cancer
Lisa Carey (USA)
Suzette Delaloge (France)
Imaging, screening & surveillance for individuals with increased hereditary breast cancer risk (Suzette Delaloge, France)
Local treatment in patients with high risk hereditary breast cancer (Maria Joao Cardoso, Portugal)
Management of patients harboring medium penetrance genes (Christian Singer, Austria)
Adjuvant systemic therapy for patients with germline BRCA1/2 mutations (Andrew Tutt, UK)
The future treatment landscape in the adjuvant setting
Sibylle Loibl (Germany)
Martine Piccart (Belgium)
Post-neoadjuvant options in triple negative disease: PARPi, capecitabine, checkpoint inhibitors (Javier Cortes, Spain)
Risk assessment in ER positive disease: Who should receive CDK 4-6 inhibitors? (Angela De Michele, USA)
What’s next? Antibody drug conjugates for breast cancer therapy (Cristina Saura, Spain)
Integrating new oral SERDs in the adjuvant treatment (David Cameron, UK)
The St.Gallen-Vienna Breast Cancer Care Educationals for Professionals around the world.
Fatima Cardoso (Portugal)
Carlos Barrios (Brazil)
Jonas Bergh (Sweden)
Early breast cancer: do we need chemotherapy in low genomic/high clinical risk (ER+/HER2-)?
Giuseppe Curigliano (Italy)
Michael Gnant (Austria)
Lisa Carey (USA)
Nadia Harbeck (Germany)
Too big, too small? Too low, too high? Adjuvant choices when stage and biology do not align.
Harold Burstein (USA)
Prudence Francis (Australia)
Charlotte Coles (UK)
Eun-Sook Lee (Korea)
Frederique Penault-Llorca (France)
Martine Piccart (Belgium)
Cristina Saura (Spain)
Andrew Tutt (UK)
What to do in discordant scenarios? Small tumors with high biological risk? (Case studies)
17 03 2023
Tailoring breast surgery and radiotherapy
Jana de Boniface (Sweden)
Lori Pierce (USA)
Patient selection, dose and fractionation for external beam radiotherapy in patients with early breast cancer (Charlotte Coles, UK)
Benefits and risks of oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery (Marie-Jeanne Vrancken Peeters, Netherlands)
Breast surgery after neoadjuvant therapy (Andrea V. Barrio, USA)
Breast surgery for local recurrence (Isabel Rubio, Spain)
Controversies in the treatment of the axilla
Philip Poortmans (Belgium)
Zhiming Shao (China)
Omission of surgical staging of the axilla (Oreste Gentilini, Italy)
Axillary surgery in the adjuvant setting (Jana de Boniface, Sweden)
Limited axillary surgery concepts to determine nodal pathologic complete response (Jörg Heil, Germany)
De-escalation of axillary radiotherapy – the time has come! (Icro Meattini, Italy)
Best Poster Presentation
Beat Thürlimann (Switzerland)
Industry sponsored symposium
Axillary dissection versus axillary radiation for residual nodal disease after neoadjuvant systemic therapy
Michael Gnant (Austria)
Philip Poortmans (Belgium)
Orit Kaidar-Person (Israel)
Monica Morrow (USA)
Controversies and uncertainties in axillary management
Walter Weber (Switzerland)
Bahadir Gulluoglu (Turkey)
Jana de Boniface (Sweden)
Oreste Gentilini (Italy)
Orit Kaidar-Person (Israel)
Eun-Sook Lee (Korea)
Monica Morrow (USA)
Philip Poortmans (Belgium)
Isabel Rubio (Spain)
Marie-Jeanne Vrancken Peeters (Netherlands)
The St.Gallen-Vienna Breast Cancer Care Educationals for Professionals around the world.
Elzbieta Senkus-Konefka (Poland)
Gerd Fastner (Germany)
Chiun-Sheng Huang (Taiwan)
Optimizing treatment in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer
Hope S. Rugo (USA)
Masakazu Toi (Japan)
Assessing HER2 heterogeneity (Frederique Penault-Llorca, France)
Current adjuvant and neoadjuvant approaches (Nadia Harbeck, Germany)
Emerging new treatments in HER2 positive breast cancer (Martine Piccart, Belgium)
ER positive vs ER negative: tackling diversity in HER2 positive breast cancer (Aleix Prat, Spain)
Optimizing treatment in patients with triple negative breast cancer
Lisa Carey (USA)
Zefei Jiang (China)
Optimal neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy for patients with early triple negative breast cancer (Hope S. Rugo, USA)
Optimal systemic therapy for residual disease in TNBC (Sibylle Loibl, Germany)
Tackling triple negative histological subtypes in early breast cancer (Jorge Reis Filho, USA)
Can we de-escalate immunotherapy and chemotherapy in TNBC? (Hervè Bonnefoi, France)
If you achieve pCR after neoadjuvant, do you need adjuvant therapy?
Giuseppe Curigliano (Italy)
Sherene Loi (Australia)
Sibylle Loibl (Germany)
Steven Chia (Canada)
Industry sponsored symposium
18 03 2023
Global Prespective on breast cancer treatment
Carlos Barrios (Brazil)
Binghe Xu (China)
Breast cancer treatment and research from a global perspective (Benjamin Anderson, World Health Organization)
Perspective from Asia (Binghe Xu, China)
Perspective from Africa (Heba Gamal, Egypt)
Perspective from Latin America (Denisse Bretel, Peru)
Optimizing treatment in patients with HR positive breast cancer
Stefan Aebi (Switzerland)
What to do when there are many options? Integrating Olaparib in BRCA-associated ER positive tumors (Sara Brucker, Germany)
Pre-menopausal: Who needs chemotherapy in the (neo)adjuvant setting? (Prudence Francis, Australia)
Can we omit adjuvant endocrine therapy? (Fatima Cardoso, Portugal)
Duration of endocrine therapy in early breast cancer (Jens Huober, Switzerland)
Surgery of the primary for stage IV disease
William Gradishar (USA)
Bahadir Gulluoglu (Turkey)
Presenting data:
William Gradishar (USA)
Rajendra Badwe (India)
Florian Fitzal (Austria)
St.Gallen International Consensus Session on the primary treatment of patients with breast cancer 2023
Seeking consensus on evidence and opinions
Moderator and Scientific Secretary:
Harold Burstein (USA)
Giuseppe Curigliano (Italy)
St.Gallen International Consensus Session on the primary treatment of patients with breast cancer 2023
Seeking consensus on evidence and opinions
Moderator and Scientific Secretary:
Harold Burstein (USA)
Giuseppe Curigliano (Italy)
PUBLICATION 2023 is available for you now! Please go to this page:
to read the summary of the St.Gallen International Consensus Guidelines. It is published in the scientific journal Annals of Oncology.
The St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference concludes with its prestigious St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Consensus Session. In this last session, a panel with over 70 breast cancer specialists from all over the world discusses developments from the past two years in the treatment of individuals with early breast cancer.
A skilled moderator guides panelists from all relevant fields through the session to provide evidence-based input. The panelists reach a consensus on challenging issues and define adapted diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. Consideration of cultural issues and economic influences is a major challenge.

Following the conference, a group of gifted authors completes the current guidelines with the new findings and/or decisions and asks the panelists to comment on the publication. Only a few months later, the St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Consensus Guidelines are published in the esteemed Journal Annals of Oncology. The St.Gallen Guidelines are updated every second year with the most recent research findings, making them globally accessible to both breast cancer specialists and their patients. The St.Gallen Consensus is a testament to the commitment to excellence in the treatment of individuals with early breast cancer.
**Earlier Consensus Publications**
Publication 2021
For those who wish to access the earlier version (2021), it is still available. Please access them in the Journal Annals of Oncology:
Customizing local and systemic therapies for women with early breast cancer: The St.Gallen International Consensus Guidelines for treatment of early breast cancer 2021. H.J. Burstein, G. Curigliano, B. Thürlimann, W.P. Weber, P. Poortmans, M. Regan, H.J. Senn, E.P. Winer, M. Gnant and Panelists of the St.Gallen Consensus Conference.
Conference co-chairs
Univ. Prof. Dr. Michael Gnant
Medical University of Vienna/Austria
Prof. Dr. med. Beat Thürlimann
Breast Centre, Kantonsspital St.Gallen/Switzerland and SwissBreastCare, Bethanienspital, Zurich/Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Walter Weber
University Hospital Basel/Switzerland
Scientific Programme-Planning Committee
Harold Burstein, Boston/USA
Giuseppe Curigliano, Milano/Italy
Michael Gnant, Vienna/Austria
Sibylle Loibl, Neu-Isenburg/Germany
Philip Poortmans, Antwerp/Belgium
Meredith Regan, Boston/USA
Hans-Joerg Senn (†), St.Gallen/Switzerland
Beat Thürlimann, St.Gallen/Switzerland
Walter Weber, Basel/Switzerland
Eric Winer, New Haven/USA
Conference founder and honorary chair
Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Joerg Senn
(* 28 March 1934, † 13 January 2023), Foundation St.Gallen Oncology Conferences (SONK),
Conflict of interest statement
All faculty members of the scientific programme have submitted a conflict of interest statement.
The summary of all statements is available here.
Aebi Stephan
Luzerner Kantonsspital, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital / Switzerland
Al-Foheidi Meteb
Princess Noorah Oncology Center, National Guard Health Affairs / KSA
Anderson Benjamin
WHO / Switzerland
André Fabrice
Gustave Roussy / France
Anikusko Mikola
Kyiv City Clinical Oncology Center / Ukraine
Badwe Rajendra
Dr. E. Borges Marg, Parel, Tata Memorial Centre / India
Barrio Andrea V.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center / USA
Barrios Carlos
LACOG – Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group, Lacog – Oncoclínicas Group / Brazil
Berg Jonas
Karolinska Institutet and University Hospital / Sweden
Bonnefoi Hervé
Institut Bergonie Unicancer / France
Bretel Morales Denisse
GECOPERU – Medical Direction, Gecoperu / Peru
Brucker Sara
Tuebingen University Women’s Hospital / Germany
Burstein Harold J.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute / USA
Caldas Carlos
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University Of Cambrige / UK
Cameron David
Edinburgh Cancer Research, The University of Edinburgh, The University Of Edinburgh / UK
Cardoso Fatima
Champalimaud Cancer Center / Portugal
Cardoso Maria Joao
Champalimaud Foundation Breast Unit / Portugal
Carey Lisa
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center / USA
Chia Steven
BC Cancer, Vancouver Cancer Centre, BC Cancer – Vancouver Centre / Canada
Coles Charlotte
University of Cambridge / UK
Connolly Roisin
Cancer Research at UCC and Cork University Hospital / Ireland
Cortes Javier
International Breast Cancer Center, IBCC / Spain
Curigliano Giuseppe
Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, IRCCS / Italy
de Boniface Jana
Capio St. Göran’s Hospital, Capio St. Göran’s Hospital And Karolinska Institutet / Sweden
Delaloge Suzette
Gustave Roussy / France
DeMichele Angela
University of Pennsylvania / USA
Denkert Carsten
Universitätsklinikum Griessen und Marburg, Philipps-University Marburg / Germany
Fastner Gerd
Department of Radiotherapy and Radio-Oncology, Paracelsus Medical University, University Hospital Salzburg / Austria
Fitzal Florian
Medical University of Vienna, Medical University Vienna / Austria
Francis Prudence
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, De, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre / Australia
Gamal Heba
National Cancer Institute, Cairo University / Egypt
Gentilini Oreste
S.Raffaele University and Research Hospital, San Raffaele University and Research Hospital / Italy
Gnant Michael
Medical University Of Vienna – ABCSG / Austria
Gradishar William
NCCN Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Nccn/northwestern University / USA
Gulluoglu Bahadir
Marmara Universiy of Medicine, Marmara University School Of Medicine / Turkey
Harbeck Nadia
Head of Breast Center, Oncological Therapy and Breast Clinical Trials Unit, University of Munich / Germany
Heil Jörg
Breast Unit Heidelberg / Germany
Huang Chiun-Sheng Huang
National Taiwan University Hospital / Taiwan
Huober Jens
Cantonal Hospital St.Gallen, Kantonsspital St.Gallen, Brustzentrum / Switzerland
Jiang Zefei
Fifth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital Beijing / China
Kaidar-Person Orit
Sheba Tel Hashomer, Oncology Institute, Sheba Medical Center / Israel
Kok Marleen
Netherlands cancer institute, Netherlands Cancer Institute / Netherlands
Lee Eun-Sook
National Cancer Center / Korea
Loi Sherene
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre / Australia
Loibl Sibylle
GBG Forschungs GmbH, Gbg Forschungs Gmbh / Germany
Martin Miguel
Hospital Gregorio Marañon / Spain
Meattini Icro
University of Florence, University Of Florence / Italy
Morrow Monica
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center / USA
Partridge Ann
Dana Farber Cancer Institut / USA
Penault-Llorca Frederique
Centre Jean Perrin, centre Jean Perrin UNICANCER / France
Piccart Martine
Institut Jules Bordet, Institut Jules Bordet / Belgium
Pierce Lori
University of Michigan/, University Of Michigan / USA
Poortmans Philip
Iridium Netwerk & University Of Antwerp / Belgium
Prat Aleix
August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute / Spain
Regan Meredith
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,, Dana-farber Cancer Institute / USA
Reis-Filho Jorge
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center,, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center / USA
Rubio Isabel
Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Clinica Universidad De Navarra / Spain
Rugo Hope
University of California Comprehensive Cancer Center, Department of Medicine, Ucsf Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center / USA
Rutgers Emiel
Netherlands Cancer Institute/Dept. of Surgery / Netherlands
Saura Cristina
Vall d’Hebron University Hospital/ Vall D’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), Vall D’hebrón University Hospital / Spain
Senkus Elzbieta
Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy, Medical University of Gdańsk, Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy, Medical University of Gdańsk / Poland
Shao Zhiming
Fudan University Cancer Hospital/Department of Breast Surgery / China
Singer Christian
Medical University of Vienna, Medical University/Center for Breast Health /Austria
Spanic Tanja
Europa Donna / Slovenia
Thuerlimann Beat
Breast Center St.Gallen and SwissBreastCare Zürich / Switzerland
Toi Masakazu
Kyoto University Hospital / Japan
Tolaney Sara
Harvard Medcial School / Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute / USA
Turner Nicholas
Royal Marsden Hospital, Icr / UK
Tutt Andrew
The Institute of Cancer Research / Breast Cancer Research / UK
van Kruchten Michel
University Medical Center of Groningen / Netherlands
Viale Giuseppe
European Institute of Oncology Milan / Italy
Vrancken Peeters Marie-Jeanne
Netherlands cancer institute – antoni van leeuwenhoek, Netherlands Cancer Institute – Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek / Netherlands
Watanabe Toru
Hamamatsu Oncology Center / Japan
Weber Walter
University Hospital Basel / Switzerland
Wildiers Hans
University Hospitals Leuven / Belium
Xu Binghe
Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences / China
Best Poster Awards 2023
A renowned reviewing team honours the three best poster abstracts with the St.Gallen Oncology Conferences Best Poster Award 2023. The awards were presented at the SGBCC 2023 on Wednesday, 15 March 2023.

The St.Gallen-Vienna Breast Cancer Care Educationals for Professionals around the world
The SGBCC 2023 was a great success, bringing together leading experts in the field of breast cancer from around the world to share the latest research, best practices, and insights. The conference featured a range of engaging sessions, including keynote lectures, panel discussions, and interactive workshops, covering a broad range of topics related to breast cancer.
One of the highlights of the conference was the SGBCC Academy, which offered a series of lectures on the most important topics in early breast cancer care, delivered by the panelists of the St. Gallen Consensus. Attendees had the opportunity to access these lectures via the virtual conference platform and participate in daily SGBCC Academy sessions, where they could ask follow-up questions and engage in further discussions on the most pressing issues in patient care.
Looking ahead, we are excited to continue providing exceptional educational opportunities to our attendees. We invite you to mark your calendars for the next St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference, which will take place in Vienna from 12 – 15 March 2025. Stay tuned for updates and announcements about the program and speakers, and we look forward to seeing you there.
St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Award Winner 2023
The Foundation Council of “St.Gallen Oncology Conferences“ (SONK) honors Professor Giuseppe Viale for his extraordinary contribution in research and practice development in the treatment of individuals with breast cancer with the “St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Award 2023“, which was presented during the SGBCC 2023 on 15 March 2023.

Prof. Giuseppe Viale
European Institute of Oncology IRCCS, Milan / Italy
St.Gallen Oncology Conferences (SONK) is privileged to count on Prof. Giuseppe Viale as an active contributor and supporter of the St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference and Consensus Guidelines. He is the first pathologist to receive this Award. He added his scientific and professional perspective to provide truly interdisciplinary discussions for the benefit of the best treatment of individuals with early breast cancer. With the St.Gallen Breast Cancer Award 2023, the Foundation St.Gallen Oncology Conferences (SONK) wishes to honour Giuseppe Viale for his extraordinary contributions to breast cancer science.
Former St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Award Winners
2021: Prof. Philip Poortmans, Wilrijk-Antwerp/BE
2019: Prof. Monica Morrow, New York/USA
2017: Prof. Martine Piccart-Gebhart, Brussels/BE
2015: Prof. Alan Coates, Cennential Park/AUS
2013: Prof. Aron Goldhirsch, Lugano/CH + Milano/IT
2011: Prof. V. Craig Jordan, Washington, DC/USA
2009: Prof. Richard Gelber, Boston, MA/USA
2007: Prof. Michael Baum, London/UK
2005: Prof. Umberto Veronesi, Milano/IT
2003: Dr. Gianni Bonadonna, Milano/IT and Dr. Bernard Fisher, Pittsburg, PA/USA
We hope that the recordings of the 18th St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2023 will help you further enhance your knowledge and understanding of the latest developments in the field of breast cancer. Thank you for being a part of SGBCC 2023!
Opening Ceremony: Welcome, Awards and Award Lectures
Chairs: Michael Gnant (Austria), Beat Thürlimann (Switzerland), Walter Weber (Switzerland)
The St.Gallen Breast Cancer Award Lecture 2023:
The Saga of Theragnostic Biomarkers of Breast Cancer
Giuseppe Viale, Italy
The ESO Umberto Veronesi Memorial Award Lecture 2023:
A global approach to breast cancer management
Benjamin Anderson, WHO
Session 1: News in breast cancer care since St. Gallen 2021 / Best Poster Awards 2023
Surgery of patients with early breast cancer: Quo vadis?
Walter Weber, Switzerland
Access to evidence based radiation therapy for patients with early breast cancer
Philip Poortmans, Belgium
What’s new in systemic treatment of patients with early breast cancer
Roisin Connolly, Ireland
Translational research priorities for patients with early breast cancer
Fabrice André, France
Hot topics in survivorship, patient reported outcomes, and Quality of Life
Ann Partridge, USA
Session 2: Genomics, Transcriptomics, ctDNA for disease monitoring and risk stratification
ctDNA dynamics for early assessment of recurrence risk
Nicholas Turner, UK
Molecular imaging in breast cancer
Michel van Kruchten, Netherlands
Webcast not available: Multi-omic machine learning prediction of treatment response
Carlos Caldas, UK
How to assess clinical utility and clinical validity of biomarkers in clinical trials?
Meredith Regan, USA
Session 3: Immunology in early breast cancer
Understanding the anti-cancer immune response: Innate and adaptive responses to breast cancer cells
Sherene Loi, Australia
Tumor microenvironment in early breast cancer
Carsten Denkert, Germany
Multiplexed analysis and spatial histology to predict response
Marleen Kok, Netherlands
The future of breast cancer immunotherapy (PD, PDL, vaccines)
Giuseppe Curigliano, Italy
Session 4: Hereditary Breast Cancer
Imaging, screening & surveillance for individuals with increased hereditary breast cancer risk Suzette Delaloge, France
Local treatment in patients with high risk hereditary breast cancer
Maria Joao Cardoso, Portugal
Management of patients harboring medium penetrance genes
Christian Singer, Austria
Adjuvant systemic therapy for patients with germline BRCA1/2 mutations
Andrew Tutt, UK
Session 5: The future treatment landscape in the adjuvant setting
Post-neoadjuvant options in triple negative disease: PARPi, capecitabine, checkpoint inhibitors Javier Cortes, Spain
Risk assessment in ER positive disease: Who should receive CDK 4-6 inhibitors?
Angela De Michele, USA
What’s next? Antibody drug conjugates for breast cancer therapy
Cristina Saura, Spain
Integrating new oral SERDs in the adjuvant treatment
David Cameron, UK
Session 6: Tailoring breast surgery and radiotherapy
Patient selection, dose and fractionation for external beam radiotherapy in patients with early breast cancer
Charlotte Coles, UK
Benefits and risks of oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery
Marie-Jeanne Vrancken Peeters, Netherlands
Breast surgery after neoadjuvant therapy
Andrea V. Barrio, USA
Breast surgery for local recurrence
Isabel Rubio, Spain
Session 7: Controversies in the treatment of the axilla
Omission of surgical staging of the axilla
Oreste Gentilini, Italy
Axillary surgery in the adjuvant setting
Jana de Boniface, Sweden
Limited axillary surgery concepts to determine nodal pathologic complete response
Jörg Heil, Germany
De-escalation of axillary radiotherapy – the time has come!
Icro Meattini, Italy
Session 8: Optimizing treatment in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer
Assessing HER2 heterogeneity
Frederique Penault-Llorca, France
Current adjuvant and neoadjuvant approaches
Nadia Harbeck, Germany
Emerging new treatments in HER2 positive breast cancer
Martine Piccart, Belgium
ER positive vs ER negative: tackling diversity in HER2 positive breast cancer
Aleix Prat, Spain
Session 9: Optimizing treatment in patients with triple negative breast cancer
Optimal neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy for patients with early triple negative breast cancer Hope S. Rugo, USA
Optimal systemic therapy for residual disease in TNBC
Sibylle Loibl, Germany
Tackling triple negative histological subtypes in early breast cancer
Jorge Reis Filho, USA
Can we de-escalate immunotherapy and chemotherapy in TNBC?
Hervè Bonnefoi, France
Session 10: Global Prespective on breast cancer treatment
Breast cancer treatment and research from a global perspective
Benjamin Anderson, World Health Organization
Perspective from Asia
Binghe Xu, China
Perspective from Africa
Heba Gamal, Egypt
Perspective from Latin America
Denisse Bretel, Peru
Session 11: Optimizing treatment in patients with HR positive breast cancer
What to do when there are many options? Integrating Olaparib in BRCA-associated ER positive tumors Sara Brucker, Germany
Pre-menopausal: Who needs chemotherapy in the (neo)adjuvant setting?
Prudence Francis, Australia
Can we omit adjuvant endocrine therapy?
Fatima Cardoso, Portugal
Duration of endocrine therapy in early breast cancer
Jens Huober, Switzerland
Interactive Session I: How to avoid unnecessary mastectomies – a global discussion
Interactive Session II: Too big, too small? Too low, too high? Adjuvant choices when stage and biology do not align.
What to do in discordant scenarios? Small tumors with high biological risk? (Case studies)
Interactive Session III: Controversies and uncertainties in axillary management
Debate I: Early breast cancer: do we need chemotherapy in low genomic/high clinical risk (ER+/HER2-)?
Debate II: Axillary dissection versus axillary radiation for residual nodal disease after neoadjuvant systemic therapy
Debate III: If you achieve pCR after neoadjuvant, do you need adjuvant therapy?
Debate IV: Surgery of the primary for stage IV disease
Special lecture I and panel discussion
Special lecture I
The future of innovation: Why are we conducting clinical trials in countries that are unlikely to be able to afford innovative drugs?
Sara Tolaney, USA
SGBCC Academy – on-demand lectures
Stefan Aebi: Endocrine therapies in early breast cancer
Meteb Al-Foheidi: Immunotherapy for early breast cancer – who benefits?
Carlos Barrios: Adequate treatment for early breast cancer in LMIC?
Jonas Bergh: Chemotherapy in early breast cancer – who benefits?
Sara Brucker: Early Detection, Diagnosis of Breast Cancer, quality control and Public Health Aspects
Fatima Cardoso: The importance of defining standards of care for breast cancer
Gerd Fastner: Modern radiotherapy for early breast cancer
Chiun-Sheng Huang (ROC): Preop MRI: helpful or dangerous for the breast surgeon?
Miguel Martin: New drugs on the horizon for early breast cancer
Emiel Rutgers: Breast Surgery Standards in 2023
Elzbieta Senkus-Konefka: Overtreatment in early breast cancer – who is at risk?
Masakazu Toi: Luminal B-like cancers and neoadjuvant systemic therapy – who benefits
Toru Watanabe: Gene signatures – who benefits?
Hans Wildiers: Systemic therapy in older persons for early breast cancer
Jiang Zefei: CDK4/6 Inhibition in early breast cancer – who benefits
SGBCC Satellite Symposium – Novartis
The Rise of CDK4/6 Inhibitors in HR+/HER2− Early Breast Cancer: Impact For Patients
Sponsors & Partners
Satellite Symposia
15 03 2023
Improve patient care with genomic testing to tailor adjuvant systemic treatment in early HR+, HER2- breast cancer
- Welcome + opening remarks – Valentina Guarneri (Italy)
- Genomic testing – where do we stand in terms of clinical evidence? – Valentina Guarneri (Italy)
- Identifying patients for Oncotype DX® testing in my clinical practice – Christos Markopoulos (Greece)
- Patient’s awareness and understanding of genomic testing– Richard Simcock (UK)
- Panel discussion and Q+A
16 03 2023
Conceptualizing Guidelines to Manage Patients with Hormone Receptor–Positive, HER2-Negative Early Breast Cancer
Welcome and Introductions – Sara Tolaney (United States)
- Understanding Hormone Receptor-Positive, HER2-Negative Early Breast Cancer Treatment Guidelines – Giuseppe Curigliano (Italy), Sara M. Tolaney (United States)
- What If: A Case Review Exploring Clinical Decision-Making and Patient Management – Giuseppe Curigliano (Italy), Sara M. Tolaney (United States)
- Managing Adjuvant Therapy – Giuseppe Curigliano (Italy), Sara M. Tolaney (United States)
- Q&A – Giuseppe Curigliano (Italy), Sara M. Tolaney (United States)
16 03 2023
The Rise of CDK4/6 Inhibitors in HR+/HER2− Early Breast Cancer: Impact For Patients
Chair: Peter A. Fasching (Germany)
Faculty: Eva Ciruelos (Spain)
- Welcome and Introduction – Peter A. Fasching (Germany)
- Unmet need and CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+/HER2− early breast cancer – Eva Ciruelos (Spain)
- QOL and treatment adherence in the adjuvant setting – Peter A. Fasching (Germany)
- Closing and Key Takeaways – Peter A. Fasching (Germany)
- Live Q&A – All
17 03 2023
Advances in HER2-expressing breast cancer treatment with antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs): From metastatic to early disease
Chair: Giuseppe Curigliano (Italy)
- Welcome and introduction – Giuseppe Curigliano (Italy)
- How next-generation ADCs impact outcomes in HER2-expressing metastatic breast cancer – Barbara Pistilli (France)
- Translating clinical experience with ADCs from HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer into the early disease setting – Javier Cortés (Spain)
- Expanding the use of ADCs in HER2-low early breast cancer: What are the key considerations? – Nadia Harbeck (Germany)
- Panel discussion – All faculty
- Wrap up and close – Giuseppe Curigliano (Italy)
17 03 2023
Solving the puzzle: Tailoring treatment options in early breast cancer
- Welcome and introductions – Nadia Harbeck (Germany)
- Building on the biology: What has changed in the understanding of early breast cancer? – Nadia Harbeck (Germany)
- Sequencing in the spotlight: Making sense of new treatment options – Andrew Tutt
- Completing the picture: Multidisciplinary insights for the treatment of patients with eBC – Peter Dubsky, Carlos Barrios
- Panel discussion – All faculty
- Meeting close – Nadia Harbeck (Germany)
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your valuable contribution to the 18th St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2023. It brings us great pleasure to see so many delegates come together every two years to learn about the latest developments in the treatment of individuals with early breast cancer, and your presence and contribution played an integral part in making the conference a success. As per tradition, the conference concluded with an update on the widely acknowledged «St.Gallen International Consensus on the Primary Treatment of Individuals with Early Breast Cancer,» which has just been published in the Annals of Oncology. https://www.annalsofoncology.org/article/S0923-7534(23)00835-9/fulltext
The next St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference will take place from 12 – 15 March 2025 in Vienna. We cordially invite you to mark this date in your agenda today. Don’t miss any news and sign up for our newsletter or join us on social media to stay informed. Once again, we would like to thank you for your participation and contribution to this important event, and we hope to see you again at the SGBCC 2025!
Save the date!
19th St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2025
Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer. Evidence, Controversies, Consensus
12 03 - 15 03 2025, Austria Center Vienna